This blog is dedicated to two very important persons in my life.
Firstly; to my husband of three plus decades. We met in medical school where he swept me off my feet and altered my so-called plans not to marry until "much later" in my career. He's always made major decisions easily and knew after the first several dates that I was "the one". He spent the next months convincing me of the same about him. We supported each other throughout our training; medical school, internship, residency and fellowship and enjoyed early years together as young faculty at the University of Texas at Houston. Our chosen specialties were miles apart; his Hand Surgery, mine Nephrology but the differences made life interesting and balanced. We made the mutual decision to uproot from a stable life in Texas in 1991 to move to the Northwest and start all over. We've spent more years together here than we had in Texas. There has never been anyone in my life who could understand the high of a good day and the depths of despair and exhaustion stemming from a bad day. Moreover, he can relate to all the experience that fall in between. To Denny; my partner, my confidante, the love of my life; a huge thank you.
Secondly, to my Mother who would haved loved to read this blog and who would likely savor every word. Such was her unconditional support of me and my goals. She stood by me with words of encouragement at every step of the journey; from the uncertainty of getting accepted to medical school to the times when I needed to be told again and again that despite my mental and physical exhaustion, a career in Medicine was my calling. She never failed to listen and to love. Thank you, Mom